SWKS Sztejnert, Winnicka, Kowalczuk, Sosnowska Sp.j. - Warszawa




Distribution, Agency and Franchising

All of the above mentioned types of agreements are becoming more and more important. A well-functioning distribution of goods is a guarantee of profit for the manufacturer. The better the agent is, the more agreements concluded by the principal. .Properly constructed franchise network allows each entrepreneur, franchisor and franchisee to dynamically develop the business.


We have international experience in preparing and issuing opinions on distribution, agency and franchise agreements. Due to the mandatory provisions of EU and Polish law, their provisions must be designed very carefully. We have also represented almost all of the parties to such agreements in legal and arbitral proceedings. We have conducted negotiations of international settlements ending disputes. This is one of our favorite areas of practice.




SWKS Sztejnert, Winnicka,

Kowalczuk, Sosnowska Sp.j.


ul. Nowogrodzka 68

02 - 014 Warszawa


+48 22 48 63 099


+48 22 48 63 133

Email:         office@swks.com.pl


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